Lilacs are my Mom's favourite spring flower. While I was growing up we had a huge lilac tree outside our second floor den which had a balcony off it. The lilac tree grew up to meet the balcony and while you sat out there each May the fragrance was wonderful.
This lilac bush is also very special because it started from a clipping from my husband's Grandmother's garden. We have two growing at our house and when we move I hope I succeed in cultivating another clipping to take with us.
I took these photos for part of my "12 Months For Dogs" May set. The theme was "A Splash of Colour". Purple Lilacs mean first love and when I look back now I find that fitting because the next day my Mom suffered a stroke and she passed away a few days later. I look back on these photos with bitter sweetness. While in the hospital I cut lilacs from this bush and filled her room with their scent. She saw them and smiled.
"How Lucky Am I To Have Someone To Love
Who Makes Saying Goodbye So Hard"
~ Winnie the Pooh

I am so thankful for my family but also my dogs. Kodee and Becky brighten everyday with their funny antics but in rough times they bring such comfort, I do not know how others go through life with out a dog.
I haven't had time to participate in my favourite photography groups, but sure am enjoying scrolling through all the photos at my FlickR 12 Months For Dogs group and the Be Still Class at Kim Klassen's. I think the time has arrived to delve back into the things I am passionate about so hope to pick up my camera again soon.
What stunning photos!!!!Beautiful colours and crystal clear.
There was me thinking Mum was getting better with her photos and then I see what a real photo should like like....still a very long way to go Mum!!!!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx
I miss my Mom every day and it's been two years. Hugs.
WOW! Beautiful photos and edits! So sorry these photos are bittersweet, though.
Unfortunately we can only view the very 1st photo but it's stunning!!
Happy New Year, Miss Kodee, Ms Becky and mom. Wishing you a wonderful new year!
Looking forward to read your new post. :) :)
Your friends,
Momo, Pinot and humans
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