Who goes there! What a comical expression captured here. This Australian Shepherd was very curious about us and tried to approach us a few times to say hello. When he got too close he got very anxious and then would bark and back up. His owner said he is always dubious of strangers but it was something they were working on.
This dog almost seems to be in a trance meditating. He was having an active game of tag with a black Labrador on the hills. In my last post I showed this dog and the one below in black & white but I think I prefer the colour versions better.
Our hike last weekend was at the now defunct Weall & Cullen Miniature Village. This tourist attraction was very popular for 25 yrs. From spring to fall numerous times a week tour buses came from the U.S. to visit as well. The main attraction was the $650,000 huge outdoor model train exhibit as well the floral gardens, miniature golf and historical building tours. It opened in 1980 but was sold to the town in 2006. All that is left now is a miniature ghost town.

The gardens are still a popular local spot to go for a walk. It has turned into an unauthorized off-leash park - hence the reason for so many dog photos. As a dog owner though, I will never understand why so many owners do not pick up after their dogs. After a long winter it was beyond filthy there - so sad dog owners would ruin their own enjoyment by not picking up after their dogs.
I found this video of the miniature village in full swing with model trains - so many memories here.

Leaving you with a piece of hope, that the snow is finally melting to reveal there is life under it! Here's to the longest winter ever being done!
Participating in Camera Critters
Our hike last weekend was at the now defunct Weall & Cullen Miniature Village. This tourist attraction was very popular for 25 yrs. From spring to fall numerous times a week tour buses came from the U.S. to visit as well. The main attraction was the $650,000 huge outdoor model train exhibit as well the floral gardens, miniature golf and historical building tours. It opened in 1980 but was sold to the town in 2006. All that is left now is a miniature ghost town.

The gardens are still a popular local spot to go for a walk. It has turned into an unauthorized off-leash park - hence the reason for so many dog photos. As a dog owner though, I will never understand why so many owners do not pick up after their dogs. After a long winter it was beyond filthy there - so sad dog owners would ruin their own enjoyment by not picking up after their dogs.
I found this video of the miniature village in full swing with model trains - so many memories here.

Leaving you with a piece of hope, that the snow is finally melting to reveal there is life under it! Here's to the longest winter ever being done!
Adding to my
The Canine version of "100 Strangers".
A photographic record of all the wonderful dogs I meet in my travels.
Began in 2012 and ending... TBD.
Participating in Camera Critters