For the last few years I have really been wanting to photograph the "Cannington Dog Sled Races" but between lack of snow or bad weather we always ended up cancelling.
Almost missed it again this year because conditions were touch and go with white outs on the roads.
Visibility was hard on the participants as well!
Visibility was hard on the participants as well!

This photo was taken 30 seconds after these dogs finished their run. I love how fit they are but what is more important to note is how their body language shows happy and relaxed dogs. Shortly after this I stood and watched them play a fun game of tug with their owner.
Beyond the dogs we also got to see local artists and view some interesting heritage displays; totem poles, bark houses and ice sculptures. There was even a synthetic ice rink the children got to skate on.

I wish I could
leave my story as a feel good one but sadly my experience did not end there.
While watching a
few dogs pull the sleds more than once we witnessed one get tangled in the leg
or around the neck by ropes. We heard a few times long and loud yelps but most
of the dogs appeared in good condition. A few were obviously not as well
socialized and appeared more wild animal than domesticated dog. Some had down
cast eyes and avoided eye contact, they held their ears very flat back and some
looked tired and unhappy.
We came across
quite a few large patches of blood in the snow. There was no doubt one dog had
a bad urinary track infection. Hopefully they were not doing an endurance
race that day. It only takes a few of these images to squash what started out
to be a fun day what I love doing most; photographing dogs.
Adding this "Husky Puppy" to my
The Canine version of "100 Strangers".
A photographic record of all the wonderful dogs I meet in my travels.
Began in 2012 and ending... TBD.
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