Well obviously the girls were just thrilled to "volunteer" to pose while I practiced with my flash and umbrella. NOT.
Dad! Your supposed to be the SANE dog owner out of the two of you! What gives?!
Seriously Becky. I personally think I look charming and find the crown quite fitting.

I've made a promise to myself to not let this winter's cold weather and bleak skies get in the way of my photography. To help, I have come up with a personal challenge to keep me motivated. I've decided to seek out natural light in my house as well as devote some time to setting up a home studio.
Natural light can be a bit of a challenge in my house. I have 2 rooms with good natural light so on those bleak days, I am also going to get acquainted with my my flash, umbrella and reflector.
Kodee and Becky are at the top of my list of things I love to photograph but they will only tolerate a few quick shots with a flash before becoming agitated. To make it easier on them, I make use of stuffed toys till I am confident I have the right settings. Their contract demands high reward, quality treats as payment.
Participating in: Camera Critters & Daily Dog Challenge Flickr Group #394 Formal Portrait
Oh my goodness! The girls are just so darned cute here! And seriously, those crowns -- just love them!
And they deserve every one of those treats! I wonder if you could use a body double to get the settings on the camera, and then get the girls into position...
Listen if the darlings are a wee bit tired, fatigued or just annoyed...I`ll step in in a pinch. I`ll sit for hours and gaze out a window or stare into your loving eyes...this is my second job....the first is being a Doodle Head.
Love the picture especially the crown over the eyes moment.
Too much fun and with limited natural light you have your hands full.
Good luck and looking forward to more captures
Ron and Sophie Doodle
Model payment contracts are very important in pet photography. I warn the pet parents at the end of every session that they'll be exepecting much more that night (and letting them in on how much they actually had on set) - LOL LOL!
They are adorable. And good sports! :)
Love the top shot - such cute tiaras! And the boys will happily sit for you, in exchange for your Modeling Fee. :)
Roooo - my human says the lighting is beautiful, almost as pretty as the girls! I'm hoping my human won't get any silly ideas, no way I"m gonna wear a tiara - the antlers were bad enough *Waggy tail*
Alfie - Alfie's Blog
PS. AT the moment its a bit tricky for us to leave comments on your blog - any chance you could change your comment settings so that we can comment and just leave our name and email rather than using google login or open id? *Waggy tail*
Oh good grief -- how adorable! So precious. xo
Oh, you guys are model pups! I would have ran ways in like 2 seconds! You have no idea what kind of h*ll I put my Ma thru gettin' a pic of Moi, with antlers on my head! Let's just say, I ate a whole weeks worth of liver treats in like 10 minutes!! BOL
Anyhu, I think the pics look FABulous!
Well I would say you have pet models.
I also looked through your other pictures so you got my attention. I added myself to your friend list to follow your pictre takes.
Best for the new year soon to come.
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