Spring Magic

If you've never been thrilled to the very edges of your soul by a flower in spring bloom, maybe your soul has never been in bloom.
~Terri Guillemets
Participated at Today's Flowers


http://graceolsson.com/blog said...

oh, dear
Very interesting teh photo of the dogs...marvelous...love it

Tammy Lee Bradley said...

Fantastic. Flowers and Puppies. You can never go wrong with that combination. Have a great weekend. Tam


Anonymous said...

Lovely mosaic. It feels like spring.

DeniseinVA said...

Fantastic! Your photoraphs are wonderful! Thanks for sharing them.

Regina said...

Very lovely!
Happy spring.

Kathy said...

As a former owner of Cavaliers, I'm hooked! I lost my two boys two years ago within three months of each other. They were 11 years old and the light of my life! I can't wait for the opportunity to look at your blog more closely to see yours!

msdewberry said...

Great photos, cute puppies and beautiful tulips. I like the quote you chose as well!!

Arija said...

There is magic in lots of flowers in the house, pure soul food.


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